Business plans submitted to EIBC 2010 will be judged first in a pre-screening from December 1 through December 5. Contestants qualifying for the second round will be notified by December 6 and invited to present on Friday, December 10th in front of a panel of judges made up of investors and business experts. The criteria for judging are presented below. (Note: The initial pre-screening will only rank the submissions based off of Part II of the judging criteria. Those who make it to the second round will then be judged both on Part I and Part II of the outlined criteria during the presentations.)
Part I. Presentation (50%)
Formal Presentation (50%)
- Materials presented in clear, logical and/or sequential form
- Ability to relate need for the company with meaningful examples and practical applications
- Ability to maintain judges’ interest
- Quality of visual aids
Questions and Answers (50%)
- Ability to understand judges’ inquiries
- Quality of responses to judges’ inquiries
- Use of time allocated
- Poise and confidence
Additional Notes
- Strengths of Presentation:
- Weaknesses of Presentation:
Part II. Viability of Company 50%
Market Opportunity (20%)
- There is a clear market need presented as well as a way to take advantage of that need
Distinctive Competence (20%)
- The company provides something unique that gives it a competitive advantage in its market
Management Capability (20%)
- This individual or team can effectively develop their company and handle the risks associated with the venture
Financial Understanding (20%)
- This individual or team has a solid understanding of the financial requirements of the business
Investment Potential (20%)
- This business represents a real investment opportunity in which you could consider investing
Additional Notes
- Company Strengths:
- Company Weaknesses:
- Additional Comments: